Mabuhay! Welcome to my webpage!

Hi there!
I believe that all the decisions we make in life, we do it because of love, this comes my idea to write blogs which has something to do with love.. It may be the love for God, love for your family, love for your work, the love that you give for your boyfriends/girlfriends and the love for yourself , etc.
I want to share my own perceptions of certain things. Some of the stories are my experiences. The lessons I learn and the heartaches and the joy I get because like you I am also in love.
Hope you enjoy. God Bless!
Lots of Love,

Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's been awhile...

Wow! It's been years since the last time i blog. As i was surfing on the net, something urges me to retrieve my blog site. And here it goes, reading it over again and it just melts me. I missed the old days. I woke up not feeling well today but reading my write ups all over again perk me to live this day fully. Today is another day! What clears to me now is that Janice L. is back to blog again! :-) Happy Sunday guys!