Mabuhay! Welcome to my webpage!

Hi there!
I believe that all the decisions we make in life, we do it because of love, this comes my idea to write blogs which has something to do with love.. It may be the love for God, love for your family, love for your work, the love that you give for your boyfriends/girlfriends and the love for yourself , etc.
I want to share my own perceptions of certain things. Some of the stories are my experiences. The lessons I learn and the heartaches and the joy I get because like you I am also in love.
Hope you enjoy. God Bless!
Lots of Love,

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Is he/she qualifies?

I was riding a bus going to our province to visit my family, when I heard two women talking about their love life. Oops...I am not an eavesdropper but couldn't help it, everyone in the bus can hear their conversation. Well, somehow it was like a bonus for us, we're like listening to a live talk show. But are they entertaining? Yes, they are. They were talking on how they collected boyfriends before to find the Mr. Right but they ended to marry someone unqualified based on their qualifications they have for themselves. ( The tall, dark and handsome thing, you know. )Not only me who laughed quietly but other passengers too, i knew. ( Keen observer kaya ako, hehe. )
"It is so funny how we set qualifications of the person we want to love, while at the back of our minds, we know that the person we love is always be an exception." This saying fits perfectly for those two women but we know this applies to everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your absolutely right. Continue to post nice write ups. It's very realistic. More Power Janice.