Mabuhay! Welcome to my webpage!

Hi there!
I believe that all the decisions we make in life, we do it because of love, this comes my idea to write blogs which has something to do with love.. It may be the love for God, love for your family, love for your work, the love that you give for your boyfriends/girlfriends and the love for yourself , etc.
I want to share my own perceptions of certain things. Some of the stories are my experiences. The lessons I learn and the heartaches and the joy I get because like you I am also in love.
Hope you enjoy. God Bless!
Lots of Love,

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Dearest Mother

Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn, Hundreds of bees in the purple clover, Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn, But only one mother the wide world over.
~George Cooper

I dedicated this story to my Dearest Mother who is such a sweetheart who always believe in living a harmonious and a God-centered family.

Last week, I received a text message that my mother is sick. I was very sad and cried a lot. If it was not late at night, I just wanted to go rush to the bus terminal and be with my Mom. But all I can do that time is praying and waiting for the morning to go. I love my Mother so much. She is a kind of person who can sacrifice herself for her loved ones. She always set aside her needs and wants just for her family. She is such a good mother to us. No words can exactly describe how lovable is my mother and how we love her. She is a mother beyond compare.
She is anemic. She is taking some medicines now for her fast recovery. As a daughter, all I wanted is the best for my Mom.
As Stevie Wonder said, "Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love." And so as my mother.

I promised to myself, while I am still breathing I will love and take care my mother and my whole family so dearly. They are my truly wealth.


Anonymous said...

me too, if there is another Mother Theresa on earth that would be my Mom.

Anonymous said...

very sweet....