Mabuhay! Welcome to my webpage!

Hi there!
I believe that all the decisions we make in life, we do it because of love, this comes my idea to write blogs which has something to do with love.. It may be the love for God, love for your family, love for your work, the love that you give for your boyfriends/girlfriends and the love for yourself , etc.
I want to share my own perceptions of certain things. Some of the stories are my experiences. The lessons I learn and the heartaches and the joy I get because like you I am also in love.
Hope you enjoy. God Bless!
Lots of Love,

Wednesday, August 13, 2008's not bad at all

"You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make"
- Golden B. Hinkley

My family lived in this house for 28 years.

I know, this is not a dream house that others will wish for. Even us, this wasn't our dream house. But this house is very special to us . This is where my siblings and I building our dreams and aspirations. This house is full of love and care.Too many pleasant memories to remember. We dreamed that someday we can make this house into a nice one. We never thought of leaving this place.

But last January, my family had to make a big decision. For financial reasons, leaving this house was the main option. The first month of transfer was very difficult, adjusting the new lifestyle, the new environment, the new neighbors and the feeling of homesickness was terrible. Especially, it is a coastal area surrounded with houses. It is absolutely different in the way we live in the country, there, we are only surrounded with trees and the humming of birds. From a a quite place in the country to a place full of noise.

But God has been very good to us. We are showered with His blessings. Now, we are almost finished building our new small house. We've established good relationships with our new neighbors. The family meager business is doing very well.

I came from a poor family but I am very proud to have such a wonderful and fantastic one. As my mother always says, "We maybe poor but we are rich in heart."


Anonymous said...

If i have to choose whether to live in the country or in the city, i prefer living in the country. It's quite there and has fresh air.

MomAtHome said...

Love this story.Reminds me of home. You see I am from the Island of Dominica. I lived in this little house all nine of us but it was home and there is no place like home.

Anonymous said...

I came from a rich family. Only child, living in a big housebut not a home. You are so blessed Janice.